Environment Flea Control

It can take three months or more to get an infestation under control, so prevention is definitely better than cure.

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Why is regular flea treatment important?

Administering monthly doses throughout the year on a regular basis can assist you in taking preemptive measures to control the risk of flea infestation in your pet and home. A full-scale flea infestation can take over three months to eliminate, hence it is advisable to take preventive measures rather than curative ones.

Other useful tips for managing flea control in your environment

In addition to flea treatments for your pet, there are other effective ways to manage the issue:

  • Ensure that all animals in your home receive safe and gentle monthly dosing at appropriate intervals throughout the year.
  • Vacuuming regularly can help eliminate eggs and stimulate fleas to leave their cocoons.
  • Regularly wash your pet's bedding and blankets in hot water, with a temperature of more than 60°C for at least 10 minutes.
  • Prevent untreated animals from entering your home environment.


The once-monthly protection against harmful parasite.