Cat Heartworms

Heartworm disease is a severe and potentially deadly illness that is present in many countries globally, including Malaysia. The disease is transmitted by mosquitoes and can initially show no signs of illness. However, as the worms grow in the heart and blood vessels, they can lead to significant damage to the heart and lungs, resulting in severe health complications.

Lifecycle of Cat Heartworm

Mosquitoes are the vectors for heartworm, and dogs can get heartworm too.
Mosquito as vector
Mosquito as vector

Mosquitoes bite infected dogs or cats and draw in blood in which microfilaria are circulating. 

L3 Larvae
L3 Larvae

After 2-3 weeks, the microfilaria develop into the "infectious" third-stage larvae (L3) in the mosquito.

Transmission of L3 Larvae
Transmission of Heartworm

Mosquitoes bite healthy cats, and the third-stage larvae enter the cat's body through the bite wound.

Migration of Larvae
Migration of Larvae

The larvae develop between tissues and gradually migrate to the pulmonary artery and heart.

Adult Heartworm
Adult Heartworm

Seven to eight months after infection, heartworms develop into adults and parasitize the pulmonary artery and heart. 

Two Paragraphs

Heartworm Disease in Cats

It is important to protect our beloved pets from the potentially fatal Heartworm disease. By administering NexGard® COMBO on a monthly basis, we can ensure that our cats are protected from this disease. Let's take the necessary precautions to keep our furry friends healthy and safe.


The once-monthly protection against harmful parasite.