What Intestinal Worms Could My Cat Have?

Common intestinal worms in cats in Malaysia include roundworms, hookworms and tapeworms.



The most common type of intestinal worms found in cats are roundworms. These parasites are often observed in kittens, as they can acquire the infection through the ingestion of inactive larvae present in the colostrum and milk (known as transmammary transmission).



Hookworms are slender and small worms that attach to the wall of the intestine. These worms are not always visible to the naked eye and their eggs in the faeces can only be detected through microscopic examination. Hookworm infestations can lead to bleeding in the cat's intestine, which may result in anaemia.



In Malaysia, the flea tapeworm is the most prevalent type of tapeworm found in cats. These tapeworms are carried by fleas, and when a cat ingests a flea during grooming, the tapeworm larvae can develop into adult tapeworms in the cat's intestine. The tapeworm segments, which can be seen in the cat's faeces, resemble small white grains of rice. Using NexGard® COMBO to control fleas is an effective way to prevent flea tapeworm infestations in your cat.


The once-monthly protection against harmful parasite.