Lifecycle Of Cat Mange Mites And Ear Mites

Learn more about the lifecycle of cat mange mites and ear mites.

mite lifecycle

Cat mange mites

The development process of Notoedres cati lasts between 6 and 10 days to three weeks, beginning from the egg stage and ending with the adult stage. The female mites dig tunnels in the skin's keratinized layer to deposit eggs. The eggs hatch in 3 to 5 days, and the resulting larvae move around on the surface of the skin. Subsequently, the larvae dig into the skin's outer layers, forming tiny pockets and then progressing to become nymphs and eventually adults.

Ear mites

Otodectes cynotis undergoes a life cycle that lasts approximately 3 weeks, and it occurs solely on the cat. The life cycle consists of the following stages:

  • Egg
  • Six-legged larva
  • Eight-legged proto and tritonymph
  • Adult

Adult females can live up to 2-3 weeks producing 15-20 eggs.


The once-monthly protection against harmful parasite.