What do fleas look like and how do I spot them?

Fleas are more than just a nuisance for your dog. Fleas can cause chronic skin disease and even transmit infectious or parasitic diseases. Some of these can be transmitted to humans too!

How to spot Flea
How to spot Flea

How to spot fleas on your dog?

It's crucial to be vigilant in detecting fleas on your dog, as they can be difficult to spot due to their size and agility. Moreover, even a few fleas can cause severe itching and discomfort in some dogs, so it's important to take action immediately. However, it's essential to remember that the adult fleas you observe on your dog are just a fraction of the problem. Shockingly, only 5% of the total flea population comprises adult fleas, while the remaining 95% (in the form of eggs, larvae, and pupae) can be found in various areas of your house, including carpets and bedding. This means that eradicating fleas requires a comprehensive approach that addresses both the dog and the environment they inhabit.

The reproduction rate of adult female fleas is high, with the ability to lay up to 50 eggs per day within 24 hours of infesting your dog. These eggs can easily scatter and fall off your dog, spreading the infestation throughout your home. The larvae that hatch from the eggs hide in dark places and feed on flea dirt, eventually developing into pupae deep in carpets, bedding, or cracks in flooring. Adult fleas emerge from the pupae and wait to jump onto another host, completing the flea lifecycle.

Fleas on dogs… where to start looking?

Fleas can be found anywhere on your dog and can be difficult to detect as they move so quickly! Check your dog’s skin carefully for signs of scratching or redness, as these can be signs of fleas. The skin on the belly, groin, or base of the tail is frequently affected, and may appear red and bumpy.

But what do fleas actually look like? Unfortunately, fleas on dogs are not always easy to spot. Fleas are small, flat-bodied, and dark brown in colour.

Often it is easier to spot the flea droppings, or “flea dirt”, that they leave behind when feeding rather than the fleas themselves. If the flea dirt is collected and placed on a moist tissue, it will stain the tissue red. This is a great way to tell the difference between flea dirt, and the ordinary dirt that dogs might collect in the garden!