![Type of worms](/sites/default/files/2022-08/Type%20of%20worms%20banner_291px%20by%20497px_2.jpg)
Puppies often acquire roundworms from their mother, making it a common occurrence. Symptoms of a roundworm infestation in puppies may include a pot-belly appearance and the occasional passing of worms in their stool or vomit.
Hookworms are slim, diminutive parasites that attach themselves to the intestinal lining. They are not always discernible to the naked eye, and their eggs in the dog's feces can only be detected through microscopic examination. Hookworm infestation can cause bleeding in the dog's intestinal tract, leading to anemia.
Whipworms are slender, elongated parasites that reside in the large intestine. While adult whipworms may be visible to the naked eye, their eggs are not often present in feces, making them hard to identify. Multiple fecal samples may need to be examined under a microscope to detect the presence of whipworms.
The most prevalent type of tapeworm affecting dogs in Malaysia is the flea tapeworm. This type of tapeworm is carried by fleas, as they host the tapeworm larvae. When a dog inadvertently ingests a flea that is infested, the tapeworm larvae can develop into an adult tapeworm within the dog's intestine. The tapeworm segments passed in the feces of infected dogs look like small, white grains of rice. Utilizing effective flea control measures with products such as NexGard® or NexGard SPECTRA® can prevent flea tapeworm infestations in dogs.