How to spot mites on dogs

The three mite species most commonly infesting dogs are Demodex mites, Sarcoptes mites and ear mites.

Mite infection
Mite infection

Demodex mites

Canine demodicosis is a parasitic skin condition caused by Demodex canis, a cigar-shaped mite that is a natural resident on your dog's skin. These mites are typically passed from mother to puppy during nursing and inhabit hair follicles on the skin. Normally, the immune system keeps their numbers in check and they do not cause any harm. However, in some cases, the immune system is not able to control the population of mites, leading to disease. This usually happens in young, malnourished dogs, or those with other immune-compromising diseases. Symptoms of demodicosis include hair loss, thickening of the skin, and skin infections.

Sarcoptes mites

Sarcoptes mites are a type of mite that can cause skin problems not only in dogs but also in humans. They are highly contagious and can spread easily from an infected dog to other dogs through close contact. The mites burrow into the skin, causing severe itching, hair loss, and skin infections. It can be challenging to diagnose Sarcoptes mites as they live within the skin. To identify the mites, your veterinarian may need to perform a skin scraping and examine it under a microscope.


Ear mites

Ear mites are tiny parasites that inhabit the ear canals and surrounding skin of dogs. These mites can cause skin irritation, which may cause your dog to scratch around the ears, head, and neck. Dogs with ear mite infestations may also shake their head frequently and have a dark, waxy discharge in their ears that resembles coffee grounds. Additionally, ear mite infestations can lead to secondary bacterial or yeast infections in the ears.

To diagnose ear mites, your veterinarian will need to take a sample from the ear canal and examine it under a microscope. If your dog is diagnosed with ear mites, your veterinarian will recommend an appropriate treatment plan to eliminate the mites and any secondary infections. It is important to treat ear mites promptly to prevent complications and discomfort for your dog.


The once-monthly protection against harmful parasite.